Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Plamo Tsukurou CUSTOM Scratchbuild Figure 1/9 SP-6

This is so awesome!

Get a tour inside Kotobukiya Studio where they make those oh-so lovely anime figurines.

This is the first part of 9 videos that take you step by step in creating a custom made figure アイル that was sold as garage kits last February (WF2008). You can get info of the figure here

Just to note, this is the way I used to do my figures too. But I'm too impatient to wait for the putty to dry.
I will not post the rest,because I'm sure you can find them easily.

Thanks a bunch to Sleepylafiel for uploading the vids!


Anonymous said...

I recently saw those videos, but I don't know whats exactly this green materia that he uses for making the figure... The name is Rock Poripote O_o but I can't find anything occidental that works like that.
Do you know any equal product that I can find here in Europe or also via internet from America?


Frikimidz said...

Hi anon,

The stuff you're talking about is actually polyester putty. The same type they use to for auto body repair. Bondo is a common brand name.
You might find something similar in your local hobby shop or auto body shop.

dj said...

i have been looking for the model kit for like a million years, lol.

but i can not seem to find it any ware, i am worried it might not be available any more.

maybe you can point me in the right direction.

DJ Peroxide

Frikimidz said...

Hi DJ Peroxide,

If the model kit you mention is Air, then you're out of luck. It was released as a limited kit on Wonder Festival a year ago.
So the only place to get it is probably on Yahoo Auction.

The figure has also been released as a PVC figure. Look here:

Unfortunately its sold out at the moment. Hope that helped.

Unknown said...

Hey MIDZ, I was wondering, did he make that styrofoam mold?
How did he do it?

Frikimidz said...

Hello Don,
There isn't any styrofoam mold.
If you mean the mold he use to make the body blanks that's a silicone mold.

I've linked to some mold making video, check my older posts. RTV silicone is relatively easy to find but pricey.