Sorry for the delay. If you haven't read the first part just click here. There have been some changes to the original plan, but not too much. The figure I'll be making is still Kagura (from Azumanga Daioh), just the scale has changed. I'll be doing a 1:10 scale instead of 1:11. In this installment, I'll be explaining how to work with reference, making armature, and some bits about general sculpting.
So let's continue with the tutorial!
First of all an artist need references, LOTS of it. Fortunetly, the internet is an almost unlimited vault for reference resource. This is where I tell you that,"Google is your fried". Actually any search engine will do. Since we're going to make a figure based on an existing character, we need to collect reference for that character. Get as many reference as you can. There is no such thing as too many reference. While you're at it, get some reference on body proportion, musculature, and poses too. This is also a good time go collect some nude pics and other stuff studies. Yeah that's it.
After choosing a reference picture, I print it to the scale I want to make my figure. Kagura is 156 cm, so in 1:10 scale she would be 15,6 cm. I printed out the picture and draw a stick figure by using the print out as a guide. This stick figure will be my template to make the armature. For the armature I use aluminium wire (1mm thick) that I bend to take the shape of my stick figure. The coils seen in the picture is for the foot.
Get the proportion right from the start.
It will save you a lot of trouble in the long run
I then mix up some epoxy putty to make the limbs, chest and groin. The purpose for this is to make the armature have solid 'bones'. This way the only way the armature will bend is at the joints, just like a real skeleton! By doing this you can make realistic poses and don't have to worry about bending the armature in the wrong place. Let the putty cured completely before continuing.
Pay attention to the size of the 'bones' and make sure to leave out the joints.
After the putty has cured, we can start posing the armature. I'm going for a sexy streching pose because Kagura is in the swim team. It's a good idea to have someone pose for you to get a natural pose. You can also look at the pose in different angle. Take your time deciding the pose, making sure the pose is just right and didn't look strange or crooked.
Keep the pose natural.
Here's she is after a successfull breast augmentation ;)
We got boobies XD
And that's all for this installment.
Next time we'll be sculpting the details. Hands, feet, face and the works.
As usual, just ask if you have any question regarding this post.
Until next time!
Next time we'll be sculpting the details. Hands, feet, face and the works.
As usual, just ask if you have any question regarding this post.
Until next time!
alamakkkk... kerennn... you almost drop my jaw, gosh
wow keren walaupun kayaknya agak rumit tapi patut dicoba!!! tapi beli bahan2nya gak tau dimana?? T_T
Thank you heavy,CG! (maksud hati sih bilang trims berat..hehehe)
Julian> Nyari bahan kagak sulit kok. Coba aja main-main ke toko bangunan dan swalayan bangunan.
Bro Midiz, ada satu hal nih yg mengganjal di hati. Kalo sculpting pake oil clay, ntar waktu dicetak apa ndak resiko penyok2? trus aku suka clay yg 'firm' banget, pake merk apa yg bagus? sori banyak nanya, tp aku suka banget sculpting.
Emang pasti penyok bro. Makanya kita harus bikin waste mold. Di bagian 3 udah dibahas, walau dikit.
Nah kalo dikau menemukan merek lilin minyak yang keras, kasih tahu gw ya bro! gw juga masih nyari nih.
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