Saturday, May 7, 2011

model Build "Kyubei"(キュゥべえさんを作ってみた)

A very interesting video on making a Kyubi figure (Mahou Shoujo Modoka) from scratch.
The material used by the author is polyester putty, commonly known as auto body filler.
I'm curious on what material the eyes are made of since I can't read Japanese. A great video on the process on making a figure from scratch.


Mangakabaruneh said...

bos, waktu awal2 itu dia make benang untuk nge fill rangkanya khan? trus dikerasin pake power glue?

Mangakabaruneh said...

kayaknya matanya pake manik-manik yang udah jadi deh... di Jepang beads art itu cukup maju di kalangan ibu-ibu rumahan... jadi emang ada toko khusus yang jual... :3

Frikimidz said...

Betul, bisa diganti pake alumunium foil aja yang padet. Soal manik-manik bisa didapet dan dibuat sendiri kok.

Oliver Alcarez said...

It so amazing. I really like it. hats off to you. I love it.

Frikimidz said...

Just to make clear, I did not make this video. But yes I agree that it is amazing. You should subscribe to his channel at youtube and/or nicodouga too.