Tuesday, December 28, 2010

How to Sculpt Wolverine : Part 2 - Roughing out Forms

A great tutorial video by artist Julian Khor. For those of you that follows Conceptart's Comiquette Challenge 2010 (CC2010), this piece will be very familiar. Go to his channel and browse the videos thare. You'll find a treasure trove of sculpting goodness.

Claudio Setti: female maquette sculpting in oil clay...

Claudio Setti, is one of my heroes in sculpting.
I can't believe I missed this video the first time around. You can always learn something by just watching a pro at work. Here he used Chavant NSP medium for the sculpt.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Humble Indie Bundle 2

Other than sculpting, my other hobby is playing video games. Preferably at bargain prices.
This is an awesome bundle of indie games and you can name your price too. Get the games and give some charity while you're at it. I've already got Machinarium and it is a beautiful piece of indie gaming development with great soundtrack. I highly recommend it if you like old school point and click adventure.

You can see all the games lined up in the video. And get this, if you pay more than $7.51, you'll get the last year's Humble Indie Bundle too. The world of Goo is reason enough for a definite purchase. You'll also get Samorost 2, a point and click adventure game from the same developer as Machinarium. WIN!

So pay up (what you want, preferably more than $8) and game on!

There will be some major changes to be conducted in the blog next week. For all of you who waited for the Fire Nation Girls... well, at least you'll be seeing one of them.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Spirit Wing's Face Starts to Appear

Yet another great video by David Lemon. This time it's all about sculpting the face.
For beginners, it is essential to invest on a good caliper or compass. You don't need those fancy sets, a cheap one will do (but be careful, you get what you paid for).

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Lone Wolf - Created out of Wax in an Hour

A very nice look at a speed sculpting of a wolf using wax. Don't know what wax it is, but the sculptor is good.
I like this kind of video. Be sure to visit his channel, he has a series of these stuff.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Art of Pumpkin Carving with Ray Villafane

It's Ray V! One of my heroes from the sculpting world.
He does awesome stuff. You see more of his work at http://www.villafanestudios.com

Monday, October 25, 2010

Pop Sculpture: How to Create Action Figure and Collectible Statues

If you are interested in making your own action figure or statue, than this is the book for you!
One of the writters, Tim Bruchner, is one of my all time favorite sculptor. This book is AWESOME.
You can get more information at http://popsculpturebook.blogspot.com/
I'm going to order it ASAP!
You can also order it from amazon now

Monday, September 20, 2010


A short video on how to attach the 'Wing of Ecstasy' Add-on kit on your SIC climax form Den-O figure.
Maybe I should post something about the add-on kit first... oh well.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Wing of Ecstasy Add-on kit is Finished!

My first S.I.C. add-on kit is finally complete!

The Wing of Ecstasy is an add-on kit for Bandai's S.I.C. Climax form Den-O figure that turn it from a regular Climax form into the Super Climax form. And the wingspan is bigger than the limited Chou climax figure too.
The wing design was inspired by the garuda and wing motifs found in the wayang kulit and batik tulis.
The kit shown is in the monochrome color scheme. The wings will be cast in clear blue and red while the body will be painted gold or silver.
Since I still pour the resin and cast by hand, there will be a limited copies available.

Pre-order will be open soon. Stay tune on Midztoyz for the details... after the Ied holiday.


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Introducing CeBe-R!

This is a DIY CeBe-R. A 2.5" DIY resin toy. I kinda wanted to make a designer toy of some sort so this is it.
These are the first castings from the mold. I need to tweak the mold a bit if I wanted to make more of these little critters.

Now I need to make enough to custom and such. Some people tell me that this base body is a good start to make pets from Pet Society. Hmmm...
Still haven't decided to actually sell these or not.

Read more for a couple of group shots.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

How to make a Transformers Megatron Action Figure... from scratch

This video is awesome! Go watch it and be amazed.
The original video came from Nico Douga.
Really makes you appreciate all the design and engineering that comes with modern day toys.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Sculpting the Portrait in Clay. Sculpting Tutorial , Demo Part 1 ( Facia...

Here's another great sculpting video by youtube user JoannaMozdzen.
She makes great face sculptures and masks. You can also check her site at http://www.joannamozdzen.com/

Another video of sculpting the eyes after the jump.
More updates will be coming in a couple of days. So stay tuned!

A great sculpting demo video on sculpting the eyes. I very much like her style. Check her youtube channel for more videos on sculpting the face. They're all good!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Blog 'reboot' and other stuff

Hiya all,

I'm going to 'reboot' the blog to give it some new life. It wont be drastic or anything. Essentially it will turning over a new leaf and re-energize myself to post more frequently (now that I have the time to spare).
I will keep my promises on those unfinished sculpt from way back when, but not at the same time.
There will also be new projects coming up, some are even available to purchase (!) by our overseas readers.

That's enough blabbering from me. Got to work on my new content.
See you all soon!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

How to Sculpt the Portrait in Clay (Sample Clips) www.sculptclay.com

This one is long and enjoyable :D
It's an edited sample clip from Steve LeGrand's instructional video.
Another gem found on Youtube. The attention to detail is just superb.
Great insight in sculpting the eyes starting at 8 minutes in. And ears too.
Visit his site at www.sculptclay.com

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Midztoyz Products Gallery!

This is a gallery of the products that Midztoyz is offering. At the moment I can't ship order overseas. I will try to get international orders going as soon as possible.
In the mean time do enjoy the blog (even though I'm lazy and didn't give it enough love)

The following post in in Bahasa Indonesia.

M-WaxZ (Baca: Ém-Wékez)

Hybrid modeling wax yand dapat digunakan untuk membuat purwarupa figur dan mainan.
M-WaxZ butuh panas agar bisa digunakan. Sifatnya seperti lilin mainan ketika hangat (40-50 C) dan akan keras kembali pada suhu ruang. MwaxZ L cukup kaku tetapi bisa dibentuk dengan tangan tanpa harus dihangatkan terlebih dahulu.
Merupakan produk perantara, tidak bisa di cat.

MidZtoyZ menawarkan M-WaxZ dalam 3 tingkat kekerasan: [E]mpuk, [L]unak dan [S]edang.

Harga MwaxZ E, L dan S
100 g = Rp. 20.000
300 g = Rp. 50.000
500 g = Rp. 80.000
1000 g = Rp. 155.000

M-poxZ (baca: Ém-pok-Zi)

Epoxy putty!!! campur resin dan hardener 1:1 atau 2:3, pijat sampai tercampur rata, langsung siap digunakan. Waktu kerja antara 1-2 jam, tergantung perbandingan campuran. Permukaan MpoxZ dapat dihaluskan dengan air ketika belum mengeras. Setelah mengeras dapat di amplas, bor, cat, pernis dll.

M-PoxZ bisa digunakan untuk menambal celah pada model kit, membuat dan custom figur, dan macem-macem. Bahan ini dapat disimpan dalam waktu yang lama, asal tidak tercampur. Simpan dalam wadah tertutup.
Harga MpoxZ
100 g = Rp. 20.000
300 g = Rp. 50.000
500 g = Rp. 80.000
1000 g = Rp. 155.000

Cara pemesanan

  • Kirimkan detil pesanan anda melalui email ke edsa_m@telkom.net , YM ke midiz82@yahoo.com , atau SMS ke 08568012644
  • Anda akan mendapat konfirmasi pemesanan yang berisi total biaya barang beserta ongkos kirim yang perlu dibayarkan. Barang akan dikirim menggunakan jasa TIKI. Untuk perkiraan biaya kirim ke wiliayah anda, silahkan lihat http://www.tiki-online.com
  • Dana dapat ditransfer ke rekening berikut:
BCA: 2741399786 a/n Edsa Midiotomo Abdurahman
Mandiri: 0060005204346
a/n Edsa Midiotomo Abdurahman
  • Setelah pembayaran masuk, barang akan segera dikirimkan.
Pemesanan, pertanyaan, saran dan masukan dapat anda layangkan ke trid ini, melalui situs www.midztoyz.com atau email ke: edsa_m@telkom.net atau SMS ke 0856 8012644.
YM ke midiz82@yahoo.com juga bisa :D
Apabila persediaan barang habis, mohon beri waktu 2-3 hari untuk memenuhi pesanan anda.

Terima kasih!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sculpting before the devil has time

Another sculpting video by Philippe Faraut was uploaded on Youtube!
Watch this! Subscribe to his channel. Nuff said.